R1 DOT MY Sdn Bhd is not only the registered parent company of Neuroware, but is also the brand under which we conduct our training, workshops and consultancy services.
With such an emphasis on long-term structured technical education within large enterprise organizations, we have in-turn developed our first R1 product – the R1 LMS – a learning management system featuring integrated industry specific simulation training.
This allows us to provide full text, audio and video transcripts of each of our in-house training sessions, along with interactive community-driven study groups on specific topics such as IoT, blockchains and artificial intelligence. We’re then able to empower organizations with the ability to not only track the individual performance of their employees, but also define and assess departmental and group objectives.
As more partners reach out to us from different industries, our list of integrated simulation training modules will also grow to include in-depth and niche material.
The R1 LMS currently focuses on simulations within the regulated financial service activities and case studies. It doesn’t stop there. We are now working to integrate more modules and simulations with a number of interesting add-ons to enhance organisational learning experience in the areas of smart cities, telecommunications and healthcare.
Social Experiences
Each user is given a space of their own and the ability to communicate and share with other users within the same or interconnected networks and groups that your organization establishes. Allow for private messaging or internal forums.