On the 9th of October, 2018, in the Four Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – our CEO (Mark Smalley) took part in a panel discussing innovation within the insurance industry, where the topic of artificial intelligence and blockchains were at the forefront of everyone’s minds.
Other panelists included Umar Munshi (co-founder of Ethis Ventures Malaysia), Rohit Nambiar (CEO of AXA AFFIN Life Insurance) and Winnie Chua (co-founder of PolicyStreet). Our moderator was Azleena Idris (Head of Legal and Acting Head of Compliance, Kuwait Finance House Berhad).
We was particularly impressed by Rohit’s detailed explanations of the blockchain pilot projects that the AXA team have conducted – but much more importantly, it was the way in which they approached and executed these pilot projects that caught our attention.
It was during this event that we also discussed the work we have been doing with Wakaful – in the use of smart contracts for Islamic Finance, specifically around the use of a decentralized Wakf to govern Takaful services for the unbanked and under-served.
Thanks again to the organizers (Asia Insurance Review) for inviting us to speak at the event.
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